Life is LIVED when you take that
© Barbara Casey
scary delicious step that sets you
free to be yourself.
Does a bird take flight from the trunk of a tree? No, she hops onto the end of a branch where she can see the sky and then launches into flight. The solid trunk of the tree might hold a few insects for a bird to eat, but the greater wealth will be seen from higher up… up there on the skinny branches.
As a boss lady, you must do the same as the bird… take flight from the skinny branch in search of your greater good.
The safety of the main core of any enterprise will only take you so far. Some people never venture forth, but stay pecking for grubs, as it were, in the solid, stolid mainstream.
Your path, however, requires a leap of faith – faith that your skills and abilities as well as your inner knowing will be the wind beneath your wings as you jump off to new horizons.
And when you are ready, you will take stock of your whereabouts and then begin your climb on to the outer limbs of mainstream life. Life is not lived clinging and struggling to hold on.
Life is LIVED when you take that scary delicious step that sets you free to be yourself.
Time to fly…