Welcome to BossLadyRules.com. I’m Barbara Casey, your host and author of the articles on this site.

I’m a writer and Zazzle designer with three active blogs and two main print on demand shops called New Radiance Designs and BossLady Rules.
As a single parent, I typically had a full-time job plus a side hustle, so I’ve been a “boss lady” for over 25 years via my home-based company New Radiance Corp.
Over the past few years, I’ve been a tutorial writer with 3 Kindle books and many online how-to articles. Since 2001, I’ve curated and written resources for entrepreneurs – on NewRadiance.com, Squidoo, HubPages and multiple blogs. Between 1995 and 2002 I published 5 editions of The Metaphysical and Holistic Florida Directory, wrote a marketing newsletter from 2003 to 2009 and conducted numerous teleclasses that were converted to PDF e-books.
My Zazzle shops are now my main business and I was fortunate to find a teacher who helped me accelerate my online income, which led me to creating personalized business tools for other boss ladies who are stepping up their own game.
And that’s what this blog site is all about… offering encouragement, occasional butt-kicks, and practical resources to help women entrepreneurs get their dream business up, running, and making money. I don’t sell courses or membership programs. I’m a writer who works with spirit to bring through ideas and messages that uplift and teach. That’s where the “rules” come in.
But boss ladies rule in their own right as business owners, and it’s high time we took ownership of this ruling thing. If you’re an introvert like me, you recognize that putting yourself “out there” isn’t always easy… and that’s why the “dream” business part of the equation is important. If it’s something you believe in wholeheartedly, it’s easier to tell people about it, whether online or in person.
Thanks for checking us out and I hope some of this resonates with you. If you’d like to receive our posts via email, we have a handy sign up form in the sidebar.
Barbara Casey